>>Modulo Calcola Preventivo Mutuo
Calcola Preventivo Prestito
Accensione Mutuo.
fare per accendere un Mutuo? I passi fondamentali per accendere un
mutuo presso una banca o presso una finanziaria, solitamente sono
sempre gli stessi. Di seguito trovate le informazioni che vi
interessano. Una
volta svolta l’istruttoria, la banca, acquisita la documentazione
inoltrata ed effettuati ulteriori accertamenti (quali l'acquisizione
della "dichiarazione notarile preliminare" sul bene offerto in
garanzia, nonché della "relazione tecnico-estimativa" redatta da un
tecnico di sua fiducia), è in grado di deliberare il finanziamento. A
delibera avvenuta la banca ne da immediata comunicazione al
richiedente e fissa la data della stipula dell'atto pubblico di
finanziamento (concessione formale del mutuo).
continua |
Mutuo Acquisto Casa.
Il Mutuo acquisto è il prestito più diffuso e sicuramente troverai in
circolazione tantissime offerte e tanti siti che ti calcolano la
rata. Poichè ci sono tanti mutui per l'acquisto diventa sempre più
difficile valutare quale sia la banca più conveniente. Noi, insieme a MutuiOnline abbiamo messo a punto un motore per
calcolare in un solo momento molti preventivi per l'acquisto del tuo
immobile, sia esso prima casa che seconda casa o altro ancora. In pochi minuti riuscirai semplicemente a capire quali sono le banche più convenienti,
quelle con il tasso di interesse più basso e con la percentuale di
interesse minore. Insomma, perchè spendere di più quando si possono
risparmiare parecchi soldi?
The General Board of the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB)
held its first regular meeting today, after the inaugural
meeting on 20 January 2011. The General
Board plans to meet four times per year. The meeting schedule
for 2011 is available on the ESRB’s website.
At its meeting today, the General Board discussed in broad terms
risks and vulnerabilities of a systemic nature in the European
Union. It will communicate on its
activities at its next meeting.
In addition, the General Board:
- explored the role the ESRB could play – together with the
European Banking Authority (EBA) – in implementing
countercyclical capital buffers once the
Basel agreements are transposed into EU law;
- discussed the interaction between the ESRB and the EU
institutions, in line with the accountability requirements set
out in the legislation;
- considered how the ESRB will be fully involved in the stress
tests carried out by the European Supervisory Authorities
(ESAs), in particular from a macroeconomic perspective, taking
into account the fact that the ESRB’s involvement in the current
tests has inevitably been limited by its very recent creation.
The ESRB will be involved in the peer review organised by the
EBA in May 2011;
- assessed, in line with the EU legislation, progress in the
preparations for agreements on the exchange of information
between the ESRB and the ESAs. This exchange of information will
support the members of the European System of Financial
Supervision (ESFS) in detecting and mitigating macro and
micro-prudential risks.
Finally, the General Board completed the institutional
framework of the ESRB by establishing the Advisory Scientific
Committee (ASC).
The ASC will consist of 15 members, with a renewable four-year
mandate, and of the Chair of the Advisory Technical Committee,
Mr Stefan Ingves, Governor of the
Sveriges Riksbank. It will start its work in May.
Following a call for expressions of interest for external
experts in the OJ 2011/C 39/12, 128 applications were received.
The 15 members selected are (in alphabetical order): Mr Viral
Acharya; Mr Leszek Balcerowicz; Mr Arnoud Boot; Mr Markus K.
Brunnermeier; Ms Claudia Buch;
Mr Dario Focarelli; Mr Stefan Gerlach; Mr Alberto Giovannini; Mr
Martin Hellwig; Mr Marco Pagano; Mr Jean-Charles Rochet; Mr
André Sapir; Mr Dirk Schoenmaker;
Ms Ieke van den Burg; Mr Charles Wyplosz.
In line with secondary legislation, a reserve list of eminent
academics has also been selected by the ESRB.
The mandate of the Advisory Scientific Committee comprises
analytical and consultative tasks.
Analytical tasks include contributions to:
• improving analytical methodologies to detect risks and assess
potential impacts of their materialisation;
• designing and calibrating effective macro-prudential policy
tools, including improving existing tools or models, as well as
proposing new and/or complementary
analytical tools and models.
Consultative tasks include:
• An open, independent and analytical review of macro-prudential
strategies and operational frameworks, in order to contribute to
a continuously state-of-the-art
ESRB policy framework.
At the request of the Chair of the General Board, the ASC can
suggest and contribute to special analytical studies for
performance by the ESRB and its member
institutions. The General Board also elected Mr Hellwig as Chair
of the Advisory Scientific Committee and Mr Rochet and Mr Sapir
as Vice-Chairs. They will automatically become members of the
General Board as from 1 May 2011. Mr Hellwig will also be a
member of the ESRB Steering Committee.
The Chair and the Vice-Chairs will rotate on a 16-month basis,
as stipulated in the Regulation.
The General Board plans to hold a press conference on 22 June
2011, after its next meeting, to report on ESRB activities in
the first half of 2011.